報告題目:A Historical Account of the First Electron-Positron Circular Collider – AdA
報告人:Prof.Jacques Haissinski
主持人: 高杰 研究員
時間: 10月9日下午15:00
地點: 化學樓C305
The speaker will start by briefly recalling the first collider schemes proposed towards the end of the fifties and by a short discussion of the option electron-electron versus electron-positron colliders. Then he will describe the circumstances under which Bruno Touschek proposed to build the AdA e+-e- ring at the Frascati National Laboratories (Italy). He will describe the physics goals and the technical challenges underlying this project and give the main parameters of the ring. The initial successes and the difficulties met in Frascati will be presented. He will say why and how AdA was then brought to the Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire (LAL) at Orsay. The results of the AdA runs at Orsay will be presented concerning the beam size and its lifetime. The “Touschek effect” which was then discovered and interpreted will be discussed. He will tell how the ring luminosity was determined. An overall review of the accelerator physics learnt with AdA will be given. What happened next in Europe in the collider field will end the lecture.
1965 PhD degree: Experiments with the AdA collider
1970 Physics professor at the Paris University
1974-77 Vice-President of the Orsay Scientific Center
1987-92 Deputy Director of the National Institute for Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics (IN2P3)
1992-96 Head of the Department of Astrophysics, Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics and the Associated Instrumentation (DAPNIA) at CEA Saclay
1990-93 Chairman of the “LEP Experiments Committee” du CERN
The speaker worked successively on storage ring physics (AdA, ACO, DCI), on the physics of e+e- annihilation (mainly with Petra at DESY, Germany), he participated in the commissioning of SPEAR and later in the commissioning of the SLC at SLAC, he participated in the design of the DELPHI detector. He turned to astrophysics in 1996 by joining the EROS astrophysics program aimed at looking for dark matter in the form of “brown dwarves”. Finally, from 2001 until 2013, he participated in the Planck space mission.In 2001 he was awarded the “Felix Robin” prize by the French Physics Society (SFP).