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【9.24】Factorization at Subleading Power and Endpoint Divergences in Higgs decaying to di-photons
文章來源:  2020-09-21
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Title: Factorization at Subleading Power and Endpoint Divergences in Higgs decaying to di-photons
Speaker: Dr. Xing Wang 王星  (Johannes Gutenberg University , Mainz)
Time: 20:00  (Beijing Time), Thursday, 2020-9-24
Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/2151583083  
Zoom ID:2151583083
Abstract: Recently, next-leading power (NLP) studies of Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET) are of great interest in the community and there have been several applications for Drell-Yan, event shape and Higgs decaying to di-photons via a b quark loop, etc. At NLP, there are several new generic features compared to the case of leading power. In this talk, I will discuss the renormalized factorization formula for Higgs to di-photons via a b quark loop. In this work, we can consistently deal with the end-point divergence. And we can use the renormalization group equations to predict three loop corrections from \alpha_s*L^6 to \alpha_s^2*L^3 and resum the large logarithms at the order of RG-improved NLO accuracy.


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