【12.28】Seminar:Growth of curvature perturbations in non-minimal curvaton scenario revisited
文章來源:  2023-12-27
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報(bào)告題目:Growth of curvature perturbations in non-minimal curvaton scenario revisited

報(bào)? 告 人陳超? 博士(香港科技大學(xué)高等研究院)

主? 持 人:蔣旭輝? 博士 ?(中國科學(xué)院高能物理研究所)




We revisit the growth of curvature perturbations in non-minimal curvaton scenario with a non-trivial field metric, and incorporate the effect from the non-uniform onset of curvaton's oscillation in terms of an axion-like potential. The field metric plays a central role in the enhancement of curvaton field perturbation, serving as an effective friction term which can be either positive or negative, depending on the first derivative. Our analysis reveals that?it?undergoes the superhorizon growth when the condition is satisfied. This is analogous to the mechanism responsible for the amplification of curvature perturbations in the context of ultra-slow-roll inflation, namely the growing modes dominate curvature perturbations. Utilizing the δN formalism, we derive analytical expressions for both the final curvature power spectrum and the non-linear parameter?in terms of an axion-like curvaton's potential leading to the non-uniform curvaton's oscillation.


Dr. Chao Chen (陳超) received his PhD in Astrophysics from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2021 before joining HKUST IAS as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the same year. Dr. Chen's previous studies cover several aspects of physical cosmology such as inflationary Universe, secondary gravitational waves, primordial black holes and wave dark matter.


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中國科學(xué)院高能物理研究所 備案序號:京ICP備05002790號-1 文保網(wǎng)安備案號: 110402500050