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【01.31】Seminar:Parton distributions for the LHC precision era
文章來源:  2024-01-25
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報告題目?Parton distributions for the LHC precision era??

報? 告?謝可平? 博士后(密歇根州立大學(xué))

主? 持 人巖斌? 副研究員? (中國科學(xué)院高能物理研究所)




The parton distribution functions (PDFs), defined the probability densities for finding a parton (quark or gluon) within a nucleon, are essential for the current and future hadron colliders, such as LHC and FCC-hh/SppC. In modern times, PDFs are extracted with a global analysis of hadronic data, including deep inelastic scattering (DIS), fixed-target and collider experiments. In this talk, I will first review the latest progress of the global analyses of PDFs and its applications for the ongoing LHC Run III as well as the future HL-LHC. Meanwhile, with the accumulation of the LHC data and a lack of direct signals for new physics, we are have entered its precision era. The PDF uncertainty, nowadays, becomes a bottleneck for us to understand many precision measurements, such as the latest MW anomaly at CDF-II. I will discuss the challenges to fit the LHC precision data as well as potential solutions towards the future.


Keping Xie is a postdoc at Michigan State University. Before that, he did his first postdoc at the University of Pittsburgh. He obtained his Ph.D. degree at Southern Methodist University in 2019 and Bachelor's degree at Peking University in 2014. He mainly works on parton distribution functions. As a member of the CTEQ-TEA (CT) collaboration, he was one of the major contributors to the latest CT18 PDFs. He led the QED corrections to the CT18 PDFs, i.e., CT18QED. Recently, he is dedicated to the electroweak (EW) PDFs and the applications at high-energy muon colliders. His work also covers high-order calculations, heavy flavors, neutrinos, Higgs bosons beyond the Standard Model, and effective field theory.


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中國科學(xué)院高能物理研究所 備案序號:京ICP備05002790號-1 文保網(wǎng)安備案號: 110402500050